Drug use impacts the care required by patients with infective endocarditis

August 29, 2024

heart infection from iv drug use

A proper evaluation by a health care provider is needed to make the diagnosis. Endocarditis occurs when bacteria or other germs enter the bloodstream and travel to the heart. During IV drug use, bacteria from the injection needle enter the blood stream.

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Before a dental procedure, an antiseptic mouth rinse also can be used, especially one containing chlorhexidine or povidone-iodine. Patients in the DU-IE cohort were younger (median age 36 years) and less frequently male (62.2%) compared with patients iv drug use in the NDU-IE cohort (median age 60 years; 68.9% male). Patients in the DU-IE cohort more commonly smoked cigarettes (74.4% vs. 20.3%), reported more than seven drinks a week (12% vs. 7.6%) and more frequently had liver disease (46.3% vs. 9.4%).

Medical Professionals

  • Upon admission, he had experienced persistent fever and chills for one month following a prior two-week hospitalization at another hospital.
  • The most frequently reported symptoms include fever, chills, respiratory illness, and chest pain lasting several days.
  • While overdosing and death are the most serious health problems related to IV drug use, there are numerous short- and long-term health complications.
  • IV drug use often causes more intense highs, making it difficult for someone to gauge how much of a drug they have taken.

In the acute setting, a broad laboratory workup is often indicated, given the nonspecific presenting symptomatology. A complete blood count often demonstrates a leukocytosis that points towards an underlying infectious process. Cases with more subacute-chronic presentations may have normocytic anemia consistent with anemia of chronic disease. Although nonspecific, inflammatory markers such as the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and c-reactive protein (CRP) are elevated in around 60% of cases.[3] A chemistry panel should be obtained to identify electrolyte derangements requiring correction during the initial resuscitation. IDUs are prone to acquiring needle-borne infections, either from the skin, or contaminated injection equipment, drugs and solvents. Moreover, many IDUs are immunocompromised after being infected with HIV and/or hepatitis C virus (12).

  • Confocal laser scanning microscopic analysis of infected valve tissue demonstrates bacterial biofilms embedded with platelet collections.
  • The type of antibiotic and the length of therapy depend on the results of the blood cultures.
  • Septic arthritis is a joint infection that typically occurs when an infection travels through the bloodstream to a joint.
  • However, his condition improved, leading to his discharge from the ICU on the sixth POD.

History and Physical

In developed countries, however, rheumatic disease is no longer the main underlying disease. Instead, degenerative valve disease of the elderly, mitral valve prolapse and intravenous drug use (IDU) are becoming the leading causes (2, 3). IDU is the predominant cause of IE, especially in urban areas and among patients of relatively young age. The incidence of IE among IDU in the United States ranges between 1–5% every year. In IDU patients, IE accounts for 5–20% of hospitalizations and 5–10% of total deaths (4, 5). Infectious diseases providers can play a unique role in the care of SUD in the context of IDU-IE and comparable invasive injection-related infections, such as spinal, bone, joint and severe soft tissue infections, as well as typically chronic infections, such as HIV and viral hepatitis.

  • Here, we present an interesting case of IE in a relatively young IDU patient with severe MSSA positive sepsis.
  • The Association has strict policies to prevent these relationships from influencing the science content.
  • Another barrier to dalbavancin use is the lack of a defined optimal dosing and monitoring schedules.
  • Prolonged infective endocarditis or damaged heart valves caused by endocarditis may require surgery to correct.
  • Among drug users, most endocarditis infections stem from the use of non-sterile syringes, allowing bacteria to enter the bloodstream and, eventually, the heart.
  • An electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) may be requested to get a better view of your heart’s electrical activity.

Risk factors

heart infection from iv drug use

Most people with mitral valve prolapse and other minor abnormalities of heart structure do not need antibiotics before medical or dental procedures. Sometimes, surgery may be needed to fix or replace damaged heart valves and clean up any remaining signs of the infection. Early infection, which occurs within two months of valve placement, is generally the result of intraoperative contamination of the prosthesis or of postoperative infection. Effective treatment hastens endocardial vegetation eradication and limits or prevents secondary complications. However, those presenting in extremis with acute decompensated heart failure, septic shock, or stroke require stabilization and resuscitation, prioritizing the tenets of airway, breathing, and circulation. Following initial stabilization, subsequent treatment concentrates on prolonged bactericidal antibiotic regimens and possible cardiothoracic surgical intervention.

heart infection from iv drug use

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  • The X-ray can help your doctor tell the difference between endocarditis and other conditions involving with your lungs.
  • You will likely receive these in a hospital for at least a week, until you show signs of improvement.
  • Before the blood culture results are prepared, empiric therapy such as vancomycin or daptomycin should be given for methicillin-resistant S.
  • Revenues from pharmaceutical and biotech companies, device manufacturers and health insurance providers are available here, and the Association’s overall financial information is available here.
  • In developed countries, however, rheumatic disease is no longer the main underlying disease.
  • The immune system causes swelling to develop, and pus is created from the combination of white blood cells, germs and damaged tissues.

heart infection from iv drug use